Working together to help children reach their full potential.

Frequently asked questions

Some Frequently Asked Questions are detailed below. If you have a question that is not answered here please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

The School Day

Why is it important that my child attends regularly and arrives on time?

show answer
  • new parents
The School Day

What time should my child arrive at Nursery?

show answer
  • things to bring
  • clothes
The School Day

When should I collect my child?

show answer
  • new parents

How will my child be kept safe?

show answer
  • safety

Who can bring and collect my child?

show answer
  • safety
The School Day

What does my child need at Nursery?

show answer
  • new parents
  • clothes
  • things to bring
  • healthy eating
  • food
The School Day

Can we borrow a library book?

show answer
  • new parents
  • learning
The School Day

How is lunch organised?

show answer
  • healthy eating
  • food

Do you have any information on Children's Centres and activities in Wandsworth?

show answer
  • Children's Centre