The school is also open to inspection by OFSTED and the Local Authority, which helps to ensure that all the children receive the highest standard of education.
We were delighted that following our most recent school OFSTED inspection (24th May 2023) we received an Outstanding grading, our third successive ‘Outstanding’.
You can view the full report here: Ofsted report
OfstedThere is a real sense of fun and enjoyment across the nursery. Teachers skilfully engage children in meaningful conversations and are excellent role models. They engage children in a wide range of exciting and stimulating activities throughout the session. Together with your team, you continually reflect on what works best for each child. You have developed highly effective educational practice, where every child is treated as an individual
Parent view
In Summer 2021, We conducted our annual Parents questionnaire which resulted in a fantastic return response. Here are just a few of the Parents feedback comments:
- High level of professional teachers
- Excellent communication
- Staff are really engaged with the children
- Wide range of learning opportunities
- Detailed response on child’s development
- The best staff all round

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
As part of our SEND Policy one of our main roles as a Wandsworth Nursery School is to offer a number of our places to children with a range of special educational needs.
There are a number of special part-time places in the Nursery set aside for children with special educational needs. These places are given to the children with the greatest need through referral from Wandsworth Early Years SEND Panel. Children are referred to the Panel by the professionals working with the child.
Our Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) works closely with other agencies to provide on-site access to a range of professionals. These include;
- An Early Years Speech & Language Therapist offering ‘Talk Shop’ sessions and individual support.
- A visiting Educational Psychologist offering support on children’s behaviour and learning.
- Occupational Therapists offering advice and support for individuals.
- A Contact-A-Family worker, providing support for parents of children with additional needs.
Please contact the school for advice on how to apply for one of these specially allocated places.